Pie Chart
Pie Chart
Property | Type | Default Value | Description |
view | number[] | the dimensions of the chart [width, height]. If left undefined, the chart will fit to the parent container size | |
results | object[] | the chart data | |
scheme | object | the color scheme of the chart | |
customColors | object | custom colors for the chart. Used to override a color for a specific value | |
animations | boolean | true | enable animations |
labels | boolean | false | show or hide the labels |
labelFormatting | function | function that formats the label text | |
trimLabels | boolean | true | trim the labels beyond a certain maximum length |
maxLabelLength | number | 10 | maximum length of the labels. If |
legend | boolean | false | show or hide the legend |
legendTitle | string | 'Legend' | the legend title |
explodeSlices | boolean | false | make the radius of each slice proportional to it's value |
doughnut | boolean | false | should doughnut instead of pie slices |
arcWidth | number | 0.25 | arc width, expressed as a fraction of outer radius |
gradient | boolean | false | fill elements with a gradient instead of a solid color |
activeEntries | object[] | [] | elements to highlight |
tooltipDisabled | boolean | false | show or hide the tooltip |
tooltipText | function | a function that formats the tooltip | |
tooltipTemplate | TemplateRef | a custom ng-template to be displayed inside the tooltip |
Property | Description |
select | click event |
activate | element activation event (mouse enter) |
deactivate | element deactivation event (mouse leave) |
Data Format
The data format is single series:
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