Line Chart
Line Chart
Property | Type | Default Value | Description |
view | number[] | the dimensions of the chart [width, height]. If left undefined, the chart will fit to the parent container size | |
results | object[] | the chart data | |
scheme | object | the color scheme of the chart | |
schemeType | string | 'ordinal' | the color scale type. Can be either 'ordinal' or 'linear' |
customColors | function or object | custom colors for the chart. Used to override a color for a specific value | |
animations | boolean | true | enable animations |
rangeFillOpacity | number | 0.15 | opacity of the shadow around the line indication the (optional) min and max values. The range shadow is only displayed if min and max values are provided with the data. The color of the shadow is alwas the color of the central line. |
legend | boolean | false | show or hide the legend |
legendTitle | string | 'Legend' | the legend title |
legendPosition | string | 'right' | the legend position ['right', 'below'] |
xAxis | boolean | false | show or hide the x axis |
yAxis | boolean | false | show or hide the y axis |
showGridLines | boolean | true | show or hide the grid lines |
roundDomains | boolean | false | round domains for aligned gridlines |
showXAxisLabel | boolean | false | show or hide the x axis label |
showYAxisLabel | boolean | false | show or hide the y axis label |
xAxisLabel | string | the x axis label text | |
yAxisLabel | string | the y axis label text | |
trimXAxisTicks | boolean | true | trim or not ticks on the x axis |
trimYAxisTicks | boolean | true | trim or not ticks on the Y axis |
rotateXAxisTicks | boolean | true | enable automic rotation of x-axis ticks to prevent overlaps |
maxXAxisTickLength | number | 16 | max length of the ticks. If |
maxYAxisTickLength | number | 16 | max length of the ticks. If |
xAxisTickFormatting | function | the x axis tick formatting | |
yAxisTickFormatting | function | the y axis tick formatting | |
xAxisTicks | any[] | predefined list of x axis tick values | |
yAxisTicks | any[] | predefined list of y axis tick values | |
timeline | boolean | false | display a timeline control under the chart. Only available if a the x scale is linear or time |
autoScale | boolean | false | set the minimum value of the y axis to the minimum value in the data, instead of 0 (ignored if yScaleMin is defined) |
curve | function | the interpolation function used to generate the curve. It accepts any d3.curve function | |
gradient | boolean | false | fill elements with a gradient instead of a solid color |
activeEntries | object[] | [] | elements to highlight |
tooltipDisabled | boolean | false | show or hide the tooltip |
tooltipTemplate | TemplateRef | a custom ng-template to be displayed inside the tooltip when hovering a single point | |
seriesTooltipTemplate | TemplateRef | a custom ng-template to be displayed inside the tooltip when hovering series | |
referenceLines | object[] | an array of reference lines to be shown behind the chart. Every reference line should be of format {name, value} | |
showRefLines | boolean | false | show or hide the reference lines |
showRefLabels | boolean | true | show or hide the reference line labels |
xScaleMin | any | the minimum value of the x axis (if the x scale is linear or time) | |
xScaleMax | any | the maximum value of the x axis (if the x scale is linear or time) | |
yScaleMin | number | the minimum value of the y axis | |
yScaleMax | number | the maximum value of the y axis | |
wrapTicks | boolean | false | axis tick labels will wrap based on available space |
Property | Description |
select | click event |
activate | element activation event (mouse enter) |
deactivate | element deactivation event (mouse leave) |
Data Format
Regular line charts
The data format is multi series:
Line charts indicating the range of the data
The data format is multi series. Plus, the minimum and the maximum value of each data point are provided. For instance, you can use these values to show the error margin of your data. Another use case are cumulated data. The central line show the average values. The range shows indicates the distribution of the data.
Last updated