Out of the box, we wanted to create a low level robust framework on which to build charts. Outside of the following chart types:
Chart Types
Horizontal & Vertical Bar Charts (Standard, Grouped, Stacked, Normalized)
Area (Standard, Stacked, Normalized)
Pie (Explodable, Grid, Custom legends)
Linear Gauge
Force Directed Graph (deprecated - please use ngx-graph instead)
Number Cards
Vertical Box Chart
Timeline Filtering
Line Interpolation
Configurable Axis Labels
Legends (Labels & Gradient)
Advanced Label Positioning
Real-time data support
Advanced Tooltips
Responsive Layout
Data point Event Handlers
Works with ngUpgrade
Enabling/Disabling animations
If you have an idea for a new feature, create a Github issue or even better a PR ;). Make sure to include the use case, an example image of the chart (if applicable) and data formats.
Chart frameworks are a dime a dozen nowadays. Not many of them existed a few years ago when we started this project internally and many of them still don't really work well with Angular. Here's a recent list we compiled during our effort to open-source this:
ng2-nvd3 - Open-source wrapper for nvd3 using Angular2 Components
ng2-charts - Open-source Angular2 wrapper directives for Chart.js
angular2-highcharts - Open-source Angular2 wrapper for HighCharts
recharts - Open-source composable charting library built on React components
Vega - Open-source Canvas/SVG viz framework
C3 - Open-source D3-based reusable chart library
Plotly - Commercial business intelligence and data science.
Highcharts - Commercial chart framework
eCharts - Open-source JavaScript chart framework
dc.js - Open-source JavaScript charting library
Last updated